Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Found Alphabet - Z
Less than seven hours from the end of the year I bring you the end of my found alphabet. This is the detail of a sign put up to tell tourists about one of Gawler's historic areas. No alternate Zs for now, I'm just glad to have had the chance to find a good photo to finish with.
It feels good to have finished this year though I have hopes to improve some of the letters through reshoots or new subjects and eventually produce some kind of poster as an end product.
Beyond this I hope to find a new photo project and create some more crafty things, possibly tutorials too. I also hope to start reviewing books again and I'm sure I'll have more to say on the business of being a librarian.
Until then I hope your New Year celebrations are memorable, I'll see you on the other side!
Found Alphabet - Y
I had great success looking for Y. Down by the riverfront I found the sleigh-pulling kangaroo's harness and was sure I had an unbeatable shot then only seconds from home I found this wire fence with the tops not bent over and just loved the shot.
All of these are in and around Gawler - the old steam train at the Gawler train station, a log near a church on Adelaide Road and the riverbank Christmas Display.
Just one more post to round out the year and this found Alphabet!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Found Alphabet - X
I'm so happy with today's X photos that I had to ask a friend to help me select which one to go with. Asides the half-shadow one they're all pretty decent resolution too - doesn't make it easy!
This is a rotated shot of a cast iron heritage street lamp in Gawler. I pass by it and many other beautiful heritage features every work day.
The shadow photo I'll attempt again later - at the moment the sun's in the right position when the light is getting quite dim so with a lot of zoom involved it's a touch difficult to get a good quality shot.
The shot with pigeons is the underside of a heritage road bridge - I like it for the pigeons and how lined up I managed to get several rows of struts, there is, however, the inevitable byproduct of pigeons in there too...
The staircase jumped out at me from some distance - I wish I could somehow have all of these as my feature shot...
Another post later tonight with Y - I've not edited/cropped/rotated any shots for that yet but I've got at least two I believe will come out exceptionally well.
Found Alphabet - W
I was incredibly lucky to get this shot - one morning this moth was just sitting on my verandha and it stayed put while I got a camera extremely close to it to get this. I wish I'd had my SLR ready to go to get a much more detailed close-up but I'll consider myself lucky to have this one. The unedited shot below (you will have to click on it to expand to full size) shows the amazing texture of the moth's wing. This was as close as a zoom/distance combo could get me without losing focus.
I have some other Ws that I'm also very happy with but I just didn't know how to top the one above... and yes, the same moth was a back up U - it's quite the show-off... these were found on a walk around this area. I especially like the tree, it was tough deciding between that and the photo I chose to feature.
I realise I miscalculated yesterday so tomorrow there should be a morning and afternoon post (bonus).
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Found Alphabet - V
A quick aside, somewhere in there while I wasn't paying attention my blog passed 50k views! Just a little excited. Thank you! On with the show...
Strictly speaking I mean to take photos sequentially... but this V was too good to leave behind. Technically it dates back to my holiday in November - this is the ceiling in one of the terminals of Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
I should be back with W tomorrow - a photo a day to the end of the year will see this alphabet done this year. Then I can work out which letters need a reshoot etc. and work on some kind of final project.
Strictly speaking I mean to take photos sequentially... but this V was too good to leave behind. Technically it dates back to my holiday in November - this is the ceiling in one of the terminals of Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
I should be back with W tomorrow - a photo a day to the end of the year will see this alphabet done this year. Then I can work out which letters need a reshoot etc. and work on some kind of final project.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Found Alphabet - U
It's time to pick up the pace a bit to finish this up this year! This picture is from the veranda of a local bakery that makes shortbread that I don't buy very often - only because I'm going to wind up eating the whole packet in one sitting. I was very excited to find the second U below - it's the wing of a moth that I happened across. I thought at the time I'd found my W and was very excited to get a wing-close-up letter, but there was more than one hiding there.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Found Alphabet - T
At long last, T appears. I may attempt a reshoot of my favourite T but although the brick one below has some things going for it I love that this one isn't so flat and it's got a very strange sense of perspective that's kind of fun.
There were many chances to get electrical pole Ts but I did that back at F and I didn't want a repeat...
I hope I can pick up the pace to get this thing done this year...
I also spotted the most wonderful M in leftover wrought iron on an old stone fence while I was doing this. I may have to think very hard when it comes to deciding which ends up in the final piece of work once the alphabet is finished.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Library Shelving Entropy
If asked to give a layman's definition of the second law of thermodynamics I'd likely explain that in a closed system the level of disorder tends to increase over time. The common misuses of this theory asides, I offer libraries as a proof.
It starts innocuously enough. Two books are reversed on the shelf. Or one's lying down at the end of a row of books. A few days later six books have hopped to other bays of shelving and large gaps in the fiction collection have the whole thing looking dishevelled. When you go to put one of the bay-hoppers back where they belong you find two books that have made an epic journey from a collection on the other side of the building. Others have disappeared into the blackness behind other books and under furnishings where they can hide for weeks.
Before you know it:
This, thankfully, is from Wikimedia Commons, not from my own camera.
The library I work in offers significantly lower levels of entropy (phew).
Any member of staff who has been handed the routine but sometimes mildly terrifying task of searching the notorious missing report or any of the other lists for materials that aren't where they were expected to be can confirm this to you.
Shelvers, shelf tidiers and shelf readers might fight the forces of entropy with great enthusiasm and persistence but the laws of physics can never be truly overcome.
Ebooks may offer a sort of salvation - but to look wider to the world of digital resources the work of entropy is plain to see.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Travel Journal - Phuket, Thailand (Part 1)
Sometimes when I travel I keep a journal. I recently took a week long trip to Phuket, Thailand and thought I'd share the journal this time. I've twitched it a bit here and there from my personal copy, but hopefully that makes it all the more interesting.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Found Alphabet - S
This S comes from Kuala Lumpur International Airport - I was in transit and spotted this on a a lamp in the cafe where I was enjoying a rather excellent teh tarik and some samosas.
The one below was meant to be my S, it's the pavement of a market area in Patong, Phuket. I waited for tuk tuks and market shoppers to get off it for a moment... but the angle and framing just aren't right. This is the best I can get it to be.
On the upside my holiday was incredible and I'm working on writing up my travel journal.
The one below was meant to be my S, it's the pavement of a market area in Patong, Phuket. I waited for tuk tuks and market shoppers to get off it for a moment... but the angle and framing just aren't right. This is the best I can get it to be.
On the upside my holiday was incredible and I'm working on writing up my travel journal.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Lessons from cycling
- Take any opportunity to get out into a beautiful sunny afternoon
- Barossa 'Valley' should offer some hints about the terrain
- Flat to a car and flat to a bicycle are not the same thing
- Turns out the climb with the greatest altitude gain might be the shallowest
- Sometimes given exhaustion and an opportunity to give up I keep going anyway
- It is okay to get off and walk if you need to but...
- When you do get to the top of the hill the sense of accomplishment is wonderful
- When you look back and realise you achieved more than you thought you were capable of the feeling is pretty good too
- Sometimes you may have to brake for livestock and wildlife
- Bicycle mechanics are amazing, as is the difference when you add 30psi and don't have a brake jammed against the wheel
- If you stop cycling for several months, whatever your reasoning, walking and climbing the stairs at work will not make up for it
By the end of Autumn I will substantially improve my time and reduce the number of hills requiring contact between shoes and path.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Found Alphabet - R
If I regret anything about this letter, it's not having it found and photographed for International Talk Like a Pirate day. Because... ARRR!
I visited Port Pirie last weekend for a fundraising dinner and also went hiking with my sister at Mount Remarkable National Park where she spotted this R - really nicely defined. I'd love another chance to take this shot - maybe when wearing a fly net. The walk was lovely but that particular national park appears to have taken delivery of several cubic metres of flies. Standing still for more than a couple seconds dramatically increased the risk of inhaling a fly. *shudder*
The other R was spotted in Brisbane a while back - I do like it but wanted something taken more recently.
I'd suggest this should be the last difficult letter to find but I really want to avoid jinxing myself...
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Twilight Sparkle colour scheme bracelet
Something new to show you today - this bracelet is the first of a set I'm making using colour schemes from My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic as a theme. I've been wanting to do some themed work and with such bold colour combinations I thought this might be a good candidate. While basic colours/themes are used I'm not trying to make these a highly accurate, just having a bit of fun with them.
This one uses the colour scheme of Twilight Sparkle.
I have a few other themes I'd like to work with too but I haven't really developed the ideas for those yet.
Now back to the workbench...
Saturday, September 28, 2013
The perks of walking to work
I have been walking to work wherever possible in my current job - there are the usual reasons - it's all of fifteen minutes and there's a fabulous coffee shop along the way. I save petrol, don't have to deal with traffic and as a bonus I even get some exercise.
One of the best parts of the walk is crossing the bridge over a linear park - it's been amazing to watch it change through the seasons, and sometimes there are extra perks like this Kookaburra - I was so glad to have a good camera with me so that I could catch this shot.
With luck I'll be back to my usual posts soon.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Public Libraries SA Con Report - Day 1, afternoon session
Contiuing from the previous post on the same topic, more of my personal highlights and things-to-think-on from Public Libraries SA Conference 2013. I'll update it with links to the presentation files when they're made available and post to let you know it's happened. In the meantime I want to capture as much of this as I can while it's still relatively fresh in my mind.
Patti Manolis, CEO of Geelong Regional Library, was the first speaker for the afternoon. Her library is in an area going through rapid transformational change - they are planning ahead for this. Previously the library service was significantly underfunded according to national standards, now it is much improved. Their new library is designed to be the cultural centrepiece of the region. It will aim for about 1/3 collection space, 2/3 people space to help them engage with information and each other in a variety of ways - the new central library will have more space, not less. It will also have a café - these are part of every major cultural instituation. I think I'll have to schedule a trip when this library is completed. It looks amazing.
Patti explained that culture eats strategy for breakfast - strategy without a culture of change is difficult to enact - you must utilise champions and minimise the effects of blockers. Internal and external customer service and communication are critical. To do this a strong business case for return on investment to funding bodies is critical.
This talk had some thoughts on collection development too - thoughts I noted were that libraries are looking for bang for buck (especially as circulation and circulation per item are statistics used) so frequently focus on popularity vs. breadth and depth in the collection. Usage based funding and acquisitions can be limiting and don't show what your collection is missing.
Mandi Wicks, Director of Audio and Language Content, SBS spoke about cultural change at SBS Radio that allowed the delivery of a better service that matched the changed cultural mix of Australia today.
She observed that change is the only constant - and in deciding change and direction their charter was central. SBS Radio examined how their reason to exist connected with today's world, not just how they applied the charter in the past. Everything they did was examined relative to their purpose.
SBS Radio faced a massive increase in competition and had to make sure they served the community of now, not just the community they had always served in order to reflect modern Australia.
Being where the customer is is important - social media is a resource to find others in a community over a large area.
To sum up it is important to have a clear purpose and face your challenges, be audience driven or risk becoming irrelevant, to embrace technology and create links with those who have a common purpose and serve the same groups.
In this talk I began to get a lot of ideas on forming partnerships rather than attempting to be everything on a limited budget and also makes me want to pin up a statement of purpose somewhere I see it all the time - something to use as a frame of reference.
The final speaker of day one was Ross Duncan (second biography down) from the Sunshine Coast Libraries, his topic was 'How libraries change the world'. If you want to hear him speak you can listen to a radio interview with the ABC. His presentation, interestingly, had quite a few parallels with Mandi Wicks' presentation. I found some really useful practical approaches in this presentation.
Libraries cannot afford to be the next Kodak - who invented the digital camera but then failed to ride the 'digital wave' and were left behind to perish. Playing it safe is no longer an option - that just gives our compeititon the chance to overtake us.
Loans are not necessarily the statistic to show our relevance. Overall loans are down, but visits are not. We are in the business of customer service, not the business of circulation.
We have to work out what business we are in - keywords were education, inclusion, awareness, information and experience. We must also see how this lines up with the vision of our councils.
We should understand the population of our areas and how they compare to library membership. If there are large differences we need to know why. Our existing customers can be our champions to help us reach the rest of the community.
Partnerships are valuable - perhaps Apple would run workshops, or a local gardening centre, perhaps other community experts? There are mutual benefits in these partnerships and they help engage more of the community. In these partnerships and in working with organisations such as Centrelink to give them a stigma-free meeting place we move from being organisers to facilitators and are able to offer more to the community without increasing the load on staff. We can also assist other areas of council - we have high engagement so are an excellent way to share information and seek feedback. This makes us a powerful tool for council to deliver on objectives - and not just those which primarily concern the library.
Staff can be excellent change leaders, we must leverage the ideas of staff at all levels for the benefit of all.
I'll be back with day two soon!
Patti Manolis, CEO of Geelong Regional Library, was the first speaker for the afternoon. Her library is in an area going through rapid transformational change - they are planning ahead for this. Previously the library service was significantly underfunded according to national standards, now it is much improved. Their new library is designed to be the cultural centrepiece of the region. It will aim for about 1/3 collection space, 2/3 people space to help them engage with information and each other in a variety of ways - the new central library will have more space, not less. It will also have a café - these are part of every major cultural instituation. I think I'll have to schedule a trip when this library is completed. It looks amazing.
Patti explained that culture eats strategy for breakfast - strategy without a culture of change is difficult to enact - you must utilise champions and minimise the effects of blockers. Internal and external customer service and communication are critical. To do this a strong business case for return on investment to funding bodies is critical.
This talk had some thoughts on collection development too - thoughts I noted were that libraries are looking for bang for buck (especially as circulation and circulation per item are statistics used) so frequently focus on popularity vs. breadth and depth in the collection. Usage based funding and acquisitions can be limiting and don't show what your collection is missing.
Mandi Wicks, Director of Audio and Language Content, SBS spoke about cultural change at SBS Radio that allowed the delivery of a better service that matched the changed cultural mix of Australia today.
She observed that change is the only constant - and in deciding change and direction their charter was central. SBS Radio examined how their reason to exist connected with today's world, not just how they applied the charter in the past. Everything they did was examined relative to their purpose.
SBS Radio faced a massive increase in competition and had to make sure they served the community of now, not just the community they had always served in order to reflect modern Australia.
Being where the customer is is important - social media is a resource to find others in a community over a large area.
To sum up it is important to have a clear purpose and face your challenges, be audience driven or risk becoming irrelevant, to embrace technology and create links with those who have a common purpose and serve the same groups.
In this talk I began to get a lot of ideas on forming partnerships rather than attempting to be everything on a limited budget and also makes me want to pin up a statement of purpose somewhere I see it all the time - something to use as a frame of reference.
The final speaker of day one was Ross Duncan (second biography down) from the Sunshine Coast Libraries, his topic was 'How libraries change the world'. If you want to hear him speak you can listen to a radio interview with the ABC. His presentation, interestingly, had quite a few parallels with Mandi Wicks' presentation. I found some really useful practical approaches in this presentation.
Libraries cannot afford to be the next Kodak - who invented the digital camera but then failed to ride the 'digital wave' and were left behind to perish. Playing it safe is no longer an option - that just gives our compeititon the chance to overtake us.
Loans are not necessarily the statistic to show our relevance. Overall loans are down, but visits are not. We are in the business of customer service, not the business of circulation.
We have to work out what business we are in - keywords were education, inclusion, awareness, information and experience. We must also see how this lines up with the vision of our councils.
We should understand the population of our areas and how they compare to library membership. If there are large differences we need to know why. Our existing customers can be our champions to help us reach the rest of the community.
Partnerships are valuable - perhaps Apple would run workshops, or a local gardening centre, perhaps other community experts? There are mutual benefits in these partnerships and they help engage more of the community. In these partnerships and in working with organisations such as Centrelink to give them a stigma-free meeting place we move from being organisers to facilitators and are able to offer more to the community without increasing the load on staff. We can also assist other areas of council - we have high engagement so are an excellent way to share information and seek feedback. This makes us a powerful tool for council to deliver on objectives - and not just those which primarily concern the library.
Staff can be excellent change leaders, we must leverage the ideas of staff at all levels for the benefit of all.
I'll be back with day two soon!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Found Alphabet - Q
I interrupt your conference review coverage because it's high time that this found alphabet got back on track if it's to have any hope of being finished this year...
This Q was found in Brisbane - a selective angle-and-crop of a statue of a rope knot in the general vicinity of Southbank. I've been trying to find another Q since but nothing half as good has popped up. About the next best is the anthill-and-stick formation I found on a walk at Kaiserstuhl Conservation Park a couple of weeks back. A lovely walk, if lacking in Qs. Hopefully R is not so elusive!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Public Libraries SA Con Report - Day 1, Morning session
I have wanted to attend a professional conference for a long time - this week I had my chance with Public Libraries SA Conference 2013. The speaker line-up was stellar and included Todd Sampson, Michelle Prak and Bernard Salt. If that was not enough the topic 'Libraries: Culture of Change' encompasses many important and interesting topics.
Chloe Fox opened the conference and asked us what our collective noun was as a ssssh of librarians is now outdated. She also reinforced that we are social hubs - something I am sure most of us know, but it is good to know that others are realising we are so much more than our collections
Todd Sampson was the first major speaker. His address, 'The Power of Creativity', was not library industry focused - the points he had to make were far more universal. He believes that creativity is undervalued and critical and that it is the last competitive advantage - fear frequently gets in its way. To overcome this it is not necessary to be braver than others, just to be brave a little longer. Also that if we choose to use social media we should be in constant beta mode - always trying new things. We must find out what the nature of our community's love for libraries is and give it a new face.
This video introduces the presentation. The video below contains an excerpt. Todd's presentation was inspiring - it set the tone for the rest of the conference. If there was a phrase that defined the conference it was 'be brave for five minutes longer'.
This video introduces the presentation. The video below contains an excerpt. Todd's presentation was inspiring - it set the tone for the rest of the conference. If there was a phrase that defined the conference it was 'be brave for five minutes longer'.
The next speaker was Bill Macnaught, National Librarian of the National Library of New Zealand talking about how the libraries of New Zealand, particularly the National Library, are moving into the future. He covered many topics so I am only including a few highlights.
Again creativity came to the front - creativity is the most important skill set for prosperity in the knowledge economy, it is not exclusively the domain of the arts (innovation is just creativity by another name) and it can be taught.
Digital literacy is currently on everyone's mind but it cannot exist without basic literacy. The library has a powerful role to play here - we are well placed to reach young children who school cannot yet reach. Libraries need to question if they are doing enough to serve these customers.
New Zealand is doing really fantastic things with digital preservation - Digital NZ is making New Zealand's documentary heritage available - it collects, connects and allows co-creation. You really should check this out - you can see the connections others have drawn or create your own 'sets' and share them onward. The sets can be serious and historical or whimsical - like this set of historic hula-hoopers.
I'll share more of my conference experiences soon!
Again creativity came to the front - creativity is the most important skill set for prosperity in the knowledge economy, it is not exclusively the domain of the arts (innovation is just creativity by another name) and it can be taught.
Digital literacy is currently on everyone's mind but it cannot exist without basic literacy. The library has a powerful role to play here - we are well placed to reach young children who school cannot yet reach. Libraries need to question if they are doing enough to serve these customers.
New Zealand is doing really fantastic things with digital preservation - Digital NZ is making New Zealand's documentary heritage available - it collects, connects and allows co-creation. You really should check this out - you can see the connections others have drawn or create your own 'sets' and share them onward. The sets can be serious and historical or whimsical - like this set of historic hula-hoopers.
I'll share more of my conference experiences soon!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Five book reviews for the price of one!
Spellbound is the second book in the Spell trilogy by Blake Charlton. I recently read the first book, Spellwright which was seriously impressive. This was still a good book - it opened very strongly and was rather hard to put down, but it didn't quite have the edge the first did. It also used one of my least favourite tropes, but I'd rather not spoiler it for you, and in connection with said trope, something that was stated to be impossible naturally happened and despite the predictability it was presented as a major reveal. Despite some flaws it still comes highly recommended to those who enjoy original high fantasy.
No release date has been given for book three yet. I hope it isn't too far off!
After becoming aware of the male-protagonist-dominated nature of my paranormal detective reading I've been looking for a good paranormal detective series with a female protagonist that doesn't rapidly head down the erotica or maiden in distress route for a long time.
Greywalker by Kat Richardson is the most promising I've sound so far. I like that the protagonist takes some time to get used to her abilities and that this is not done in too twee or convenient a manner - she takes time to start to control her new abilities and by the end of the book she's still got some way to go - a good thing as this is the beginning of an ongoing series. I like that she's got some useful skills but recognises the ability of others and uses the variety of skills that her friends and aquaintances have rather than being a one person solution to the ills of the world. I was briefly worried that it was taking a turn down the erotica route that so many have before but thankfully Greywalker proved me wrong.
Perfect? No. Looking foward to reading book two? Yes. Recommended? Also yes.
'Monday 17 April 8st 13, alcohol units 6 (drowning sorrows), cigarettes 19 (fumigating sorrows), calories 3983 (suffocating sorrows with fat-duvet), positive thoughts 1 (vg)
Helen Fielding's Bridget Jones's Diary is one of the very few chick lit books (and movies) that I really enjoy. It's really not my genre, but this stuff is really funny and, reading it (again) as a single nearly-thirty, at times it's absolutely nails things - the quote above isn't one of those things, thankfully. I found this on a market stall while on holiday in Brisbane when I was nearly out of reading matter. With a third book due in October it was well worth the time. I'll have to find the second before the new book is out!
“If you’re brave enough to try, you might be able to catch a train from UnLondon to Parisn’t, or No York, or Helsunki, or Lost Angeles, or Sans Francisco, or Hong Gone, or Romeless…”
Un Lun Dun by China Mieville is another re-read from my Brisbane trip. I loved this book and I'm sure I'll read it plenty more times. Don't be put off by the recommended age of the book - it's great for adults too. A wonderful surreal world that evokes a feeling of wonder. A story that takes the tropes, runs with them for a bit and then turns them upside down to make something beautiful. Absolutely recommended.
I was excited to hear that a Neil Gaiman novel was coming and I was not disappointed. I picked this up at the Queensland State Library bookshop when I was about to run out of holiday reading (again). The ocean at the end of the lane delivers a very different and dark fantasy based on places and events from Gaiman's childhood. Just go read it. Really.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Review: The Solitaire Mystery - Jostein Gaarder
I have several reviews to catch up with courtesy of my holiday reading but I've chosen to do this one first because this is a book that just might have changed my life.
I first discovered The Solitaire Mystery by Jostein Gaarder in my high school library when I was about 14. It is a deeply philosophical novel that I realised I didn't fully understand. I enjoyed it, but I knew there was more that I couldn't see. I firmly resolved to read it again when I was older.
This was a resolution I promptly forgot until I was in a second hand bookshop in Darwin last September. I came across this and decided it was definitely time to see if I could comprehend the book better - my first reading was now half a lifetime ago.
A couple days later I was in Alice Springs walking around in a daze as I compared the messages of The Solitaire Mystery to the place my life had got to - it pointed out to me that in many ways I'd settled for something that was comfortable and easy and had just accepted the place I'd landed in rather than striving onward as I'd promised myself years ago when I chose to change careers. Where I found myself in work and home life wasn't what I'd wanted, exactly, but in my mind I was conscious I'd decided that it was good enough. That reading of The Solitaire Mystery might just have been the wake up call I needed.
Ten months later my life is in a very different place. A lot has changed and I realised earlier in the year that I'd achieved enough of my long-term goals that I needed to go looking for more - I can't give The Solitaire Mystery credit for all of it but I think it helped get me moving again. I though I should read it a third time while I was away in Brisbane and see what revelations it might have for me this time. I enjoyed it again but it didn't have the impact it did last time. Maybe the twists in the plot were too fresh in my mind, maybe I was happier with the image in the mirror this book presented me with. It was still time well spent.
I would absolutely recommend this book, it's somewhat quirky and different with a strong surreal element but the philosophy is wonderful and the themes are really intriguing. Maybe the ideas and concepts might give you one of those fantastic revelatory moments that a good book can bring. It's well worth finding out.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Found Alphabet - P
I just spent four wonderful and very relaxing days in Brisbane. I thought it would be a good chance to get this alphabet back on track. I've not found much to inspire a P post - at first I was just too busy, then I just couldn't find anything I liked. I think the holiday was very much needed... I feel refreshed and renewed, if somewhat tired from the late flights that I took in order to maximise holiday length.
The final choice is part of a sculpture near the Queensland State Library - found on my last day in Brisbane, the only one that wasn't blue-skied and sunny. It was nice not to be cold for a few days! The internet tells me the sculpture this is from is Approaching Equilibrium by Anthony Pryor.
The second below is also from a sculpture, this one in the Queensland Art Gallery - Elvira Madigan by Ron Robertson-Swann. This was the first of the images I found and after some weeks of feeling a bit disconnected from this project I suddenly had to scoot back to the cloak room to grab my camera. Hopefully this new rush of energy for the alpha-hunt continues.
I also did a lot of reading. I told you about Spellwright by Blake Charlton but read another four books too. That's a story for another post.
The final choice is part of a sculpture near the Queensland State Library - found on my last day in Brisbane, the only one that wasn't blue-skied and sunny. It was nice not to be cold for a few days! The internet tells me the sculpture this is from is Approaching Equilibrium by Anthony Pryor.
The second below is also from a sculpture, this one in the Queensland Art Gallery - Elvira Madigan by Ron Robertson-Swann. This was the first of the images I found and after some weeks of feeling a bit disconnected from this project I suddenly had to scoot back to the cloak room to grab my camera. Hopefully this new rush of energy for the alpha-hunt continues.
I also did a lot of reading. I told you about Spellwright by Blake Charlton but read another four books too. That's a story for another post.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Review: Spellwright - Blake Charlton
The original magic system is at the heart of what I loved about this book though it was generally enjoyable. A number of other elements of the story are very well-worn cliches, but they're executed decently enough so it's not a problem. I'm looking forward to reading book two soon, I just hope it can maintain the development of the magic system which I enjoyed so much.
I'd love to tell you more however today I have very limited internet access - so you'll just have to read it for yourself. It comes recommended for anyone who enjoys a good fantasy read.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Review: Relish - Lucy Knisley
The last graphic novel I reviewed was Brian Vaughan's Saga which was brilliant - but I mentioned that due to its confronting nature it's not one I'd feel comfortable recommending to people who are not already into comics.
I do want to present a graphic novel that is more approachable as I often encounter people who love reading but vehemently insist that they'd never read a graphic novel as they are in some way a lesser literary form. I want to challenge this view as I've encountered many brilliant works that deserve equal status with quality works of prose.
So here's one that is a lot easier to approach for someone not yet comfortable with graphic formats. Relish is an autobiographical work with a number of recipes that tie in with the stories presented as comics. I was already aware of some of Lucy Knisley's other work, particularly the webcomic Stop Paying Attention which is another autobiographical work and well worth the time to read.
The stories are fun and honest and now I want to cook every single one of the recipes.
So far I've tried two - the first is a recipe for chai which was remarkably simple and seriously delicious. I'll be making that one quite a lot in the cold weather we're having now! The other I tried was Carbonara - the hardest part was not eating the fried garlic and white wine infused pancetta before it was time to add it to the rest of the ingredients. If you do make it it's definitely worth the search to find pancetta instead of bacon.
The recipe presentation is clear with illustrations making the steps easy to follow and every one of them looks delicious.
Even if you are not normally a reader of graphic novels, if you enjoy interesting memoirs and are looking for a recipe to try why not give this a go?
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Grandma's 90th Guest Book
Back in May my Grandma turned 90 - I can only hope I am as active and independent as she is at the same age. I wanted to make something for her but Grandma did ask for no presents - I figured a guest book for her many, many birthday party and visiting well-wishers would get by though!
I ummed and ahhed for a long time making this one but am very glad with the way it came out. It's very Grandma with roses and the colours I chose. I was very busy during the party but one of Grandma's younger sisters ran around with a pen and made sure that everyone signed it!
There's not a lot to say on the making of it with such a straightforward design - Paper flourish at Enfield helped me work out how to bind it and helped punch accurate holes using their hole punch - far fancier than anything I had. The rest was an arrangement of elements, the sentiment was printed.
At the end of the day the design was simple and construction not complicated. But everyone signed it and made it something really special.
It took a little while to get a photo of it - but when I visited Grandma recently I was able to get a quick snap. More people have signed it since the party which is wonderful!
It's been a fairly intense month but I hope to post more often again soon - one or two more things to deal with in the next few days then I can start chasing photos and reinstate my craft mat on the dining table!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Found Alphabet - O
I've definitely not had any trouble finding material to use for this project this weekend. If anything the challenge has been narrowing it down to a sane number to post.
I visited the Oi You! Adelaide art exhibition this weekend - it was fantastic though I'm sorry to say that exhibition has now closed. None of these shots are from inside though - they are from an outdoor work. There were a lot more put up on walls around the city for this event and I'm hoping that they're not planning on destroying them as I haven't had a chance to see most yet. Next weekend I hope to take the map I've printed out and go check out more of this work. If you happen to be in Adelaide it's well worth a look - what little I've seen myself and in the photos of friends has been amazing.
Most of the rest of the photos are also from the urban art festival or other bits of urban/street art I've seen around. There's a pretty cool mural quite close to my house though that has not yet made it onto here. I've had a fascination with street art in many forms for some time and I have a bit of a collection of photos I've taken - some day I'll have to link more of them out here.
It's been an amazing week on this blog. My TARDIS tutorial post got a couple of really big linkages and the view count went sort of crazy. Last I saw that post had passed the 8000 views mark. I'd sort of planned to do something interesting when I saw the 10k mark approaching... but a week ago when my view count was just past 4k I thought I had some time to think about it. Anyhow, it's amazing to see the power of a couple of links. The rest of the blog is just ticking along as normal as if nothing happened, but I enjoy sharing things whether it's with five or five thousand. My biggest problem of late has been having too many post ideas. I'm hoping to get more of those happening soon.
My major project at work also hits it's biggest milestone this week. I'm sure everything's going to go well but wish me luck all the same!